We are a newly forming group in the School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST) of ShanghaiTech University focusing on Theoretical High Energy physics. Currently we are 2 faculty members, 1 visiting faculty member, 4 postdoctoral researches and several master and bachelor students.
The main research directions are quantization of gravity, cosmology, scattering amplitudes, string theory and string field theory, black holes and gravitational-wave physics, quantum chromodynamics, color-kinematics duality in gauge theories, double copy construction for gravity theories, conformal field theory, AdS/CFT, and related topics.
![]() Alexey Koshelev Assistant Professor at ShanghaiTech |
Alexey Koshelev's research spans quantization of gravity, cosmology, scattering amplitudes, string theory and string field theory, and black holes.
The arXiv archives are: hep-th, gr-qc and astro-ph.CO. More about Alexey |
![]() Alexander Ochirov Assistant Professor at ShanghaiTech |
Alexander Ochirov's research spans scattering amplitudes in quantum field theory, black holes and gravitational-wave physics,
quantum chromodynamics, color-kinematics duality in gauge theories, double copy construction for gravity theories. More about Alexander |
![]() Huajia Wang Assistant Professor at KITS, UCAS and at ShanghaiTech |
Huajia Wang's research spans QFTs, string theory, and quantum gravity. More about Huajia |
![]() Xinan Zhou Assistant Professor at KITS, UCAS and at ShanghaiTech |
Xinan Zhou's research spans conformal field theory, AdS/CFT and scattering amplitudes. More about Xinan |
![]() Hiren Kakkad |
Hiren Kakkad's research interests are scattering amplitudes in gravity and QCD, focusing on their geometrical formulation in the twistor space; exploring the boundary-to-bound-state dictionary for gravitational binaries in the context of gravitational wave physics. |
![]() Rémy Larue |
Rémy Larue's research revolves around the study of quantum anomalies and Effective Field Theories in curved spacetime, via functional methods. In particular, his interests are: Path Integral methods for chiral theories, gravitational anomalies, Weyl and conformal anomalies, finite temperature/density effects. |
![]() Oleg Melichev |
Oleg Melichev's research interests are classical and quantum aspects of various modified gravity theories such that the renormalization group approach to quantum gravity and its applications to Metric-Affine and Infinite Derivative theories and in particular the heat kernel technique to perform computation of a quantum effective action in these theories. |
![]() Abhishek Naskar |
Abhishek Naskar's research interests are various aspects of inflationary cosmology, such as non-Gaussian signatures of different models of inflation, curvaton scenarios, primordial magnetogenesis etc. |
Currently we have joint seminars with SIMIS which are usually held on Tuesdays alternating between ShanghaiTech and SIMIS as well as local seminars usually organized by Wednesdays. For the talks organized in ShanghaiTech the most often location is room 5-103 in the building 5 of SPST.
Below are short descriptions and the links to planned and past meetings (co-)organized by the Fundamental Physics group.
There are no planned meetings with established web-links now.
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology 2023 (online)
The meeting took place on April 17-21, 2023.
The meeting was organized by Alexey Koshelev, principal organizer (ShanaghaiTech U.), Sravan Kumar (U. of Portsmouth), Antonino Marciano (Fudan U.)
and Anna Tokareva (HIAS)
KITS-ShanghaiTech Summer School 2023
The school took place on August 6-18, 2023.
The meeting was organized by Xinan Zhou, principal organizer (KITS, UCAS and ShanghaiTech U.), Alexey Koshelev (ShanaghaiTech U.), Alexander Ochirov (LIMS),
Cheng Peng (KITS, UCAS), Huajia Wang (KITS, UCAS) and Fu-Chun Zhang (KITS, UCAS and ShanghaiTech U.).
Quantum Gravity and Cosmology 2024
The meeting took place in ShanghaiTech University on July 1-5, 2024.
The meeting was organized by Alexey Koshelev, principal organizer (ShanaghaiTech U.), Yi-Fu Cai (USTC), Sravan Kumar (U. of Portsmouth), Anna Tokareva (HIAS)
and Xinan Zhou (KITS, UCAS and ShanghaiTech U.)
Deadline on Feb 14, 2025
Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in theoretical particle physics at ShanghaiTech.
The successful candidates will contribute to the growth of the Fundamental Physics Theory group, which at the time of writing includes Alexey Koshelev and Alexander Ochirov as full-time faculty, Xinan Zhou and Huajia Wang as visiting faculty, as well as postdocs and students. The group's interests include scattering amplitudes, quantum chromodynamics, color-kinematics duality, double copy, quantum and classical gravity, cosmology, string theory, black holes, gravitational-wave physics, conformal bootstrap and AdS/CFT. For more information on the group please see the new website. The post-holders will have opportunities to teach.
The appointments will be for 2+2 years and are expected to start in the fall/winter of 2025. ShanghaiTech will provide competitive remuneration, allowances and benefits in accordance with the relevant regulations of the University and according to the experience of the candidates. The resulting gross annual salary may be expected to lie in the range of 200,000-320,000 CNY plus housing subsidy of 2,500 CNY/month. Post-holders may also count on generous allowance for international travel to conferences and for collaboration, as well as on opportunities to apply for additional research and salary funds.
Applicants should hold a PhD in physics or a related field prior to the start of the appointment. In accordance with the Chinese regulations, candidates should be under 35 years old at the start of the appointment.
To apply, please send the following materials to recruitment [at] fph-shtech [dot] net:
The application materials and reference letters should be sent electronically to recruitment [at] fph-shtech [dot] net with "Postdoc" in the subject line.
Review of applications will begin on February 15th, 2025.
For more information about this position, please contact Alexander Ochirov at ochirov [at] shanghaitech [dot] edu [dot] cn
Applications, expressions of interest, reference letters and inquires should be sent by e-mail to:
recruitment [at] fph-shtech [dot] net